Shooting Sunrise on Camano Island

Just because it’s December does not mean one must stay inside– unless you still have been procrastinating putting up a Christmas tree. (*raised hand emojii) Thursday night I reached out to a fellow loyal instagrammer and we decided we’d go shoot sunrise up north. It was my first experience meeting up with a stranger at dark, as well as walking through the woods, but i’m happy to report I am still alive! 😉

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This is Calvin Blond! Check out his instagram for moody, epic landscape photography and coffee! He took the shot of the baby doe who didn’t want to eat the apple I tried to give him/her.

We drove around Camano Island and decided to head east–I was craving mountains after Wednesday’s adventure up at Index Wall (blog post to come). We found a family of deer, fog, and some great views up by Pilchuck.

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My fancy new Timberland boots, that I FOUND AT VALUE VILLAGE. <333

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and because you made it till the end, take away my one phrase to live by:

adventure always vsco

7 Photos that will get you ready for winter in the PNW.

Baby it’s cold outside… and I am loving every second of it! Last week I drove up with Mio and Dexter (The adorable miniature Australian Shepard mix with an Instagram) to Lake Diablo, only this time we actually found the lookout! (Stay tuned for a reflections post on our first time up there.) The sun had already set behind the mountains, making for some beautiful tones on the water.

lake diablo perspective north cascades


dexter and his backpack

north cascades

The north cascades in all their grandeur.

stella rudge neff beanies

Now for those of you who don’t know me, don’t know this little plum of mine either. Stella and I have grown up taking photos together, whether it’s adventuring around in a golf cart in Kalama, WA or jumping in and out of the car for roadside attractions. These were taken on Mountain Loop Highway, where we found this freezing lake that we had to trekk through.

bundled up stella  red

trees lights bokah

Now that snow has fallen in town I am expecting my instagram feed to turn white, and I have to say I am beyond ready for this holiday season. Be sure to follow me for updated adventures! @hellofrankenbery


the most wonderful time of the year

If you don’t know, october is my favorite month. I love stepping on crunchy leaves and wearing dark purple lipstick. I love the cheesy halloween decorations that I put up with my dad and planning pumpkins. This was our adventure last Sunday at the Farm at Swans Trail.  Petting zoos, hand dipped corn dogs, and a little chilly sunshine made for the perfect day.

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The end result! My idol!


Road trip!

This weekend was purely brilliant and I am still in a daze from it. I packed completely wrong and slept most of the car ride, while the boys jammed to heavy metal and rock music. (I’m a very heavy sleeper.) Nevertheless here are some great photos on the drive up there. We stopped quite a few times to take some photos. (Okay, maybe more than a few)

I also got to try out my new Olloclip, which is so neat! It’s a lens you attach to your iphone to take fisheye, macro, and wide angle shots. Really highlights the beautiful camera power that Apple has designed. Here is a photo of me using it:



And here are some shots I liked:

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Our next stop was near spokane area, right off the highway the sun was going down and we found brilliant shadows created by the trees. These are some of my favorite shots, ever.

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This is my glamorous friend, Nick.IMG_6599_Fotor

I’ll post our adventures that we had when we got to Montana later on. In the meantime I am still trying to locate all my essentials that got lost in Pete (the rabbit) on the car ride back home. This was after as we were leaving. Pretty huh?

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This blog was created for both myself and YOU.

I love adventure. Excitement. (Who doesn’t?!)
I think it’s so easy to get comfortable in your life, whether it be regarding work, education, and in turn– relationships. But there is so much adventure in love. This is my attempt to share ideas with anyone who is stuck, complacent, or just lost and to prove that there is MORE to dating than dinner and a movie.

I hope that you feel inspired by my ideablog and photo journey.

Happy life!